We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

We hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It is still unseasonably warm and we hope you are out and about enjoying it. We know we are. So while you are out, stop by and check out our specials!

Our Christmas trees are arriving very soon - stop by and take a look, you know we always pride ourselves on our prices and selection.

Posted on November 27, 2015 and filed under Baby, Baby Food, Dairy, Gluten Free, Grocery, Snacks, Specials.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all our customers

To our customers, happy Thanksgiving! As we head into the Thanksgiving week, we know you will find lots of fantastic things for your holiday table in our store. Some extra specials are below, but you also know you can rely on our traditionally excellent selection of food and drink. We are very proud of our flower selection - why not grab some to help brighten the day?

Posted on November 21, 2015 and filed under Baby, Baby Food, Dairy, Gluten Free, Flowers, Grocery, Snacks, Specials.

We love the warm weather...

According to the weather people (who are not always our favorite people here at FoodTrain), this is one of the  warmest autumns record. We have enjoyed it as well, and we love to see all our customers out and enjoying it. And while you are out and about, stop by and check out some of our specials! Particularly because soon enough, Brooklyn, it will snow.

Posted on November 7, 2015 .