Spring has been a disappointment so far - cold, and rainy. But you won't be disappointed by our specially priced items below! And don't forget to sign up for our easy cash back program - just ask anyone in the store, or check this page. We are happy that so many of you have already signed up. If you haven't, it's very easy and only takes a moment.
The first hint of warmth
Here at Food Train, we're very happy that winter is finally behind us! We are guessing you are too. So while you are out enjoying the weather, stop by and check our our special items, and our traditional spring flowers and plants. And don't forget to sign up for our easy cash back program - just ask anyone in the store, or check this page.
And the sun shines in Brooklyn again...
The sun has finally emerged from behind the snow and rain clouds. We guess that you are as happy about this as we are! So enjoy being able to wander outside without your down coat, and stop by for our excellent array of special items, and our traditional spring flowers and plants.
Spring and flowers!
At last, the sun and (a little bit of) warmth have arrived. Here at Food Train, we pride ourselves on our excellent flower selection... and our free order service. So stop on by and check out our selection of fresh flowers, and the specials below. And feel free to try out our order service. You deserve some cheering up after the brutal winter!