Hello dear customers! At this time of year, as one year ends and another begins, and the weather is cold, we like to be cheered up by flowers. Who doesn't? So as well as our standard specials, and gourmet fare, we also have tulips at the very special price of three bunches for $20! So please do step in out of the cold and take a look.
We send all of you our heart-felt wishes for a safe, prosperous and happy new year.
You can save money with our cash-back program. And when it gets too cold, we deliver, or you can order from the comfort of your home. We've got you covered!
Today it looks like snow - so why not stop by and check out our fantastic selection of trees and wreaths? We are very proud of them and we know you love them. And we have our excellent flower stand, with gorgeous flowers to brighten any holiday table.
Don't forget, you can save money with our cash-back program. And if it gets too cold, we deliver, or you can order from the comfort of your home. We've got you covered!
The next holidays are only a few weeks away. This year we've a great selection of small trees that we think you will love, so stop by and check them out! We've also got wreaths and other cheerful decorations, so next time you come past, take a look. You'll be glad you did.
Save money with our cash-back program, save time by letting us deliver, or order from the comfort of your home. We've got you covered!
The year ticks on and we have passed Thanksgiving - the next holidays of the year approach. We've got a great selection of seasonal plants - we currently have mini decorated trees, and in the next few days we will get our Christmas trees. So get ready for more festivities and stop by!
Save money with our cash-back program, save time by letting us deliver, or order from the comfort of your home. We've got you covered!