Posts filed under Drinks

It's tree season

The weather is really starting to feel like the holidays! We have our lovely trees in stock. We have all sizes for all budgets, while we can keep them in stock. Please stop by - we love it when you do.

Now that the cold weather has started, and if it gets too much for you, you can order from the comfort of your home... and our customer cash-back program will save you money.

Any way you want to shop, we've got you covered. Why not follow us on Instagram (@foodtrainmarket)?

Christmas Trees in stock

Apologies for the delay in updating this page. We wanted to let you all know that we have our popular trees back in stock, and a beautiful selection of wreaths and other decorations for the holiday season! So stop by - we love it when you do.

Now that the cold weather has started, and if it gets too much for you, you can order from the comfort of your home... and our customer cash-back program will save you money.

Any way you want to shop, we've got you covered. Why not follow us on Instagram (@foodtrainmarket)?

Happy Thanksgiving!

We’ve had our first snow storm of the season - we hoped you were on the subway out of the snow and paralyzed traffic (like we were!). Now that Thanksgiving is just a few days away, we thought we would remind you that we we have both whatever you need regardless if you are hosting or visiting for a meal. We have flowers, and sparkling cider, as well as everything else you need to delight your friends and family!

Now that the cold weather has started, and if it gets too much for you, you can order from the comfort of your home... and our customer cash-back program will save you money.

Any way you want to shop, we've got you covered. Why not follow us on Instagram (@foodtrainmarket)?

The holidays are coming...

This time of year makes us think of firewood… and pomegranates! Luckily for you, our loyal customers, we have both. Whatever you need for your holiday table and home, we have it. So stop by - we really do love it when you do.

Now that the cold weather has started, and if it gets too much for you, you can order from the comfort of your home... and our customer cash-back program will save you money.

Any way you want to shop, we've got you covered. Why not follow us on Instagram (@foodtrainmarket)?